Taking advantage of the great experience acquired in these works, the deep knowledge of materials and the continuous research in the field of application techniques, CESA uses RELINING: the most versatile and safe method of rehabilitation and rehabilitation of underground pipes currently used, due to its great adaptability. to every type and form of conduct, its extreme speed and simplicity of implementation and above all for its applicative guarantee and duration. The RELINING process is designed for the recovery and rehabilitation of existing underground pipes such as civil and industrial sewers, downspouts, chimneys, bathroom drain columns and related branches, without excavating.
The RELINING coating can be applied in pipes with a wet contour equivalent to a diameter from 22 to 2300 mm and lengths up to 100 ¬ meters in a single solution. These solutions are suitable, in particular, for the rehabilitation of downspouts, fireplaces, bathroom drain columns and related branches, placed inside the masonry of buildings, but also for pipes that carry liquids under pressure. The restoration is carried out with the use of a polyester felt sheath coated on the outside with a waterproof film impregnated with thermosetting polyester or epoxy resin. Its insertion is carried out in an inversion tube placed at one end of the pipeline. The descent into the pipeline is ensured by the introduction of pressurized air, which guarantees the thrust necessary to overturn the sock and make it advance along the section to be restored. The sheath, pushed by this pressure, adheres perfectly to the internal walls, covers the profile and runs along the predetermined length. In this way, the cracks present are sealed and the surfaces, even if very damaged, are reconstructed. Completato l’inserimento del nuovo rivestimento, la resina viene fatta polimerizzare riscaldando a circa 80° tramite immissione di vapore oppure utilizzando apposite lampade LED. After polymerization, the ends are finished with suitable products based on special resins and cements, and the lateral branches are reopened by means of remote-controlled robotic cutters. The remediation of pipelines carried out with RELINING is guaranteed by a ten-year insurance policy, the subscription of which takes place after regular testing.
Stages of RELINING application
Sheath inversion
Sheath advancement